Applications are now open for a $2K bursary to fund a female viticulturist to attend the AWIW National Symposium 2024
Ocvitti, the designers and manufacturer of Ocloc, are recognising a female viticulturist contributing to the Australian wine industry by awarding a $2000 bursary to attend the Australian Women in Wine Symposium this November in Hobart. Great wine starts in the vineyard!
- Open to all women in viticulture across Australia.
- Please nominate yourself. We want that!
- OR you can nominate someone else. Do you know someone deserving? Nominate them!
Send your application to AWIW Board Member Corrina Wright at with your:
- Name
- Contact details
- Current position
- Brief CV
- Cover letter / email on why you deserve this opportunity
(If you are nominating someone else we can request a brief CV from the nominee.)
Most importantly, you need to be able to attend the AWIWA symposium and be in Hobart from 21 – 23 November. The money is to be put towards your registration for the symposium, as well as flights, accommodation and other travel expenses required for your attendance.
Applications close Friday 27th September 2024.